Monday, January 22, 2007

What happens when you are pizzed off???

Never trust anyone in life.
Never believe anyone in life.
Never like anyone in life.
Never let anyone into the four walls around you.
It is all you and just you - so beware of OTHER HUMANS.


Ignore all those insects - that is the best way to handle them.

That is the way others treat you!

Do not be so good - Ignoring someone is the worst thing you could do even to your enemies.



Moorthy S Venkatraman said...

what happened and why so much frustration???

did anyone say you are good for nothing ???

were you cursed for being paid even though you dont work???

were you nominated for the Most Intelligent Person in the World award???

எதுக்கு இவ்வளவு புலம்பல்ஸ்....???

Bhargavi said...

Chumma ellam orru imagination thaan :)

Anonymous said...

எதுக்கு இவ்வளவு புலம்பல்ஸ்....???

Ippdi staright-a oru linela kekarthu pathila enda intha peter vidura dei....

Heidi Kris said...

awesomely true.!